Science Curricula Update

I reviewed science and history curricula we have used and liked over the years in an earlier post, here. One curricula I wrote about was one we had not yet used but I was sure we would like.  After using it for several weeks, I need to update with a true review of the Weather Dude program I am using for my 1st and 4th graders.  We love the workbook and the Weather Dude website and we've used them quite a bit, but I cannot recommend the Weather Dude Weather Songs CD.  It is so cheesy, even the 6 year old laughs hysterically every time we listen to a song. The Weather Dude CANNOT sing and the lyrics, arrangements, and music are completely atrocious.  It is more of a distraction to listen to the songs for my kids and they have not learned a single concept from the CD.

To supplement our weather unit we have used some great weather posters and the weather station materials from Delta Educational.  The girls are really enjoying the weather unit, especially the experiments and hands on weather activities, but then, isn't that what studying science is all about.

**Update** After writing this post, Skoshi A asked if she could have the Weather Dude CD. They now listen to it on their own whenever they need a good guffaw.  Who knows, maybe they'll learn a little information between giggles.


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