Saint Valentine

Our little homeschool friend wanted to bring Saint Valentine gifts for each of the children, but when Stat Boy was approached and asked what he might like he declared emphatically he didn't want anything for Saint Valentine's Day.  I was puzzled at his response, at first, until I read this blog post written by a mother of 5 boys.  Now I understand.

Wingnut and I have reservations at our favorite Thai restaurant for a romantic dinner that will probably end at our favorite coffee bar (no, not the one in our own home).  The kids are thrilled we are leaving, as this means pizza, popcorn, and a movie for them.  Do you have anything special planned for this evening?


Sarah - Kala said…
We're all going to see Coraline at the cinema today . . . we don't really "do" Valentine's Day. I told my husband when we got married he better never forget these: my birthday, our anniversary, Christmas, and any of our kids birthday's. Any other holiday is up to him . . . no pressure that way - and boy does HE love it. :-)
Happy St. Valentine's Day! We're staying in which sounds just about perfect right about now. Have fun tonight! I love Thai food!
Katie said…
I wanted to go to Lemon Grass with Pete too!! Unfortunately, I still cannot eat real food yet!! I hope you enjoyed the Thai food! I love that place!
Dawn said…
Dave and I went to the MCCW/Knights of Columbus dinner/dance at the church. It was really great fun. We had our wedding vows renewed at Mass and then ate and danced the night away. It was the best Valentine's day we've had a in a while.

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