Have You Shoveled Yet?

Our associate Pastor gave one of his best and most cohesive homilies this last weekend. He made a wonderful parallel between the recent winter storms we've had on the East Coast and venial (lesser) sin.

Paraphrasing: The snow began accumulating slowly. One inch, then it was two inches, before you knew it there was 1/2 a foot of snow, then a foot, and a second foot, until an entire metropolitan center became completely paralyzed. Venial sin is just like that snow. Before you know it, you are paralyzed and trapped under a pile of sin.

One of the most important elements of Lent is penance. There honestly isn't a better way of addressing this detail than going to confession. If you haven't gone yet, it isn't too late. Do your soul a favor and get shoveling!

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9


Lucy said…
This isn't a comment about your post per se, so you don't need to publish it. I just wanted to invite you to "Kids say the darndest things Friday" blog hop at:


We’d love to have you join the fun and share your stories. I’m sure that you have some real gems!

In Christ,
Ute said…
I think that's a great analogy. Thanks for sharing!

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