Little but Important

Small Successes for Thursday, October 22, 2008:
1) We replaced the batteries in one smoke detector and tested our other smoke detectors. We've needed to do this little task for over a year now. I'm so glad we've finally gotten around to it!
2) I helped Stat Boy make an important decision this week. He has finally decided to drop piano lessons. He's been taking lessons for 8 years and to be honest, he only enjoyed it the first three. I kept encouraging him to continue, hoping he would grow to love the piano. It did not happen. The boy persevered all these years only because he likes his teacher and didn't want to let her down. Practicing was a miserable chore for both of us. I'm sad he's done, but happy for Special K. She now benefits from his abandoned spot. I hope she loves it.
3) If I'm correct, we are in the bedroom this week, if you fly with the Flylady. This week I vacuumed our bedroom, including edges, door lintels, and the blades on the ceiling fan. I hope to finish up our room with a good dusting later today.
What are your Small Successes this week? Post your link at Faith and Family Live.
I found your blog through Faith and Family Live. What a beautiful family you have.
Thanks for the reminder about the smoke detectors. I need to check those.
I love the bedroom is ready to go.