Homeschool Co-op Fall 2010

We have belonged to a homeschooling co-op for nearly 10 years now. I've found many of my own class ideas online, and so I like to reciprocate and share the ideas our group has with anyone interested ;)

Our co-op is divided into 5 age groups and each group, with the exception of the nursery, receives instruction in three subjects that change from semester to semester. We generally meet between 8 and 10 times a semester and each class lasts approximately 40 minutes. Our scheduled classes for this semester are:

Nursery: no formal classes, but nursery moms will often try a little craft, singing, or other activity to keep life down to a dull roar.

K-2nd: Singing using Our Musical Year; Art; and Insect Science

3-5th: Chant and Hymns; Zoom Science using projects from the PBS Zoom website; Fun with Drama

6-8th: Chant and Hymns; Drama using a play from Plays Magazine; Fun with Science

9-12th: Apologetics using Beginning Apologetics by Father Frank Chacon, Jim Burnham, and Steve Wood; Cryptology culminating in a trip to the National Cryptology Museum; Chant and Hymnody


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