Stay Cool Mojito Granita
Keeping cool in the pool
Never too old to get in the baby pool
In celebration of staying cool this July, here's our favorite stay cool granita recipe:
1 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
1/2 cup sugar
2 & 1/2 cup water
several sprigs of fresh mint
In a small sauce pan combine sugar, water and mint. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer until sugar is dissolved. Press on mint leaves to release most mint flavoring. Strain mixture into bowl. Add lime and stir. Pour mixture into 9x12 pan and cool to room temp. Cover and place in the freezer. Approximately every half hour scrape ice crystals that have formed along outer edge of pan. As granita continues to freeze continue to scrape and stir until it is crystalized uniformly, this should take about 3 hours. Serve as is or adults can splash a shot of rum over the top if desired. This makes enough for our family of eight to have 1/2 cup servings.