{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} October 30

round button chicken


Wingnut Jr.'s cosmos have fallen victim to fall frost.  Even though faded and wilted, they are pretty.


My little Wingnut Jr. is always ready with a smile.


I was trying to create a photo with Wingnut Jr.'s Pinewood Derby car in which the car rolled into focus and the boys stayed in the background just out of focus.  I shot at least 30 photos with little success as the boys weren't getting the concept of not being the focal point of the photo.  Lil' Lamb was all over the place, as usual and Wingnut Jr. kept vacillating between looking completely bored and intense concentration.  The above ended up being the best photo . . .

. . . but this one completely cracked me up.  This is what "looking interested in the car" meant to them.  Doesn't it look like they are using the "force" on the car?  They are so silly.


Lil' Lamb usually wants to share his morning joy with everyone in the house, insisting we all get up once he is up.  On one occasion this week, he slept until almost 9 am and was the last one to be roused.  Sweet moments like these are fleeting.


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