Caroling from a Child's Heart

There is just something about Christmas Carols. For me, carols are among the most beautiful and moving of sacred music. Lil' Wingnut even has a favorite, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,"or as he calls it "Harold Angel". We received a lovely cd of Christmas Carols sung by L'Angelus and it has been playing in the van's cd player since Gaudete Sunday. Lil' Wingnut insists we play "Harold Angel" over and over and over again. I asked him why he wanted that particular tune, to which he replied,"It's a beautiful song. It says born that men no more may die." Fair enough. I told the little guy his favorite carol may be sung at Mass on Christmas. Unfortunately, it wasn't. This Sunday, however, "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" was the closing hymn. Lil' Wingnut was beaming from ear to ear.
We had a lovely Christmas this year, very peaceful and yet joyful. The highlight of my Christmas Day was attending Mass that afternoon. That particular Mass closed with the singing of "Silent Night." Special K was standing next to me, belting out the carol and swaying to the music with her whole heart. Her outpouring of joy and love for Jesus was so touching to me, my eyes began to well up and eventually the tears trickled down my face. There is nothing sweeter than the innocent faith of a child, especially at Christmas.
Love the family pic. Handsome kidlings!!!