Small Successes: Small but Steady Progress

Since my last post for Small Successes, we've been among the millions of witnesses of the double whammy blizzard of 2010. Beside digging out from beneath the nearly 3 feet of snow, I have managed to tackle a few other tasks around here.
1) If you fly with the FlyLady, we are in the kitchen this week. I've been scrubbing down the counters, wiping down walls, and spot cleaning the cupboards. My lovely Pasquini espresso maker and coffee grinder each got special treatment and a nice shine.
2) I've done a lot of baking this week, molasses cookies, cinnamon swirl bread, corn bread, and oatmeal cookies. Hopefully we'll be able to get out of this house pretty soon, or I'm going to put on some serious pounds!
3) While snowed in, it can be a real temptation to resort to TV, movies, and computer games. We have indulged a bit, but I think the activity our kids might remember best from this storm are the nights when we've turned off all the lights and played flash light hide and seek. I borrowed the idea from Matthew Archbold of Creative Minority Report. We have all had so much fun playing this game, even the teenagers have excitedly looked for darkness to fall.
Post your Small Successes link at Faith and Family Live.
Flashlight hide and seek sounds ingenious. I might have to do that one with our youth group!
Great list of successes. Have a fabulous week!