Queen Monkey Ballerina
Skoshi A was the second of our three ballerinas for parent's observation week. It's more difficult to get clear photos of the two older dancers, as their classes move much more quickly. Skoshi A is improving leaps and bounds and recently passed her Grade II Cecchetti exam.
Here is my attempt at artsy photography with Skoshi A in a tendue at the barre in black and white.
Here she is, with a rare serene expression, standing in 5th position awaiting her music.
I've noticed Skoshi A has inherited my lip and cheek chew when she is concentrating during ballet. I have dozens of photos of her either biting her lip. . .
. . . or chewing on her cheek.
I love this photo of her doing a chasse temps leve. It was one of the only "action" shots that turned out halfway decent.
Again you have flunked your ballet knowledge of the most rare and yet artful poses...Angelina The Ballerina here is displaying two of the rarest poses in the dancing sphere. The first is the ancient Russian Monkey chew your lip and gum because I get it and the rest of the class doesn't pose. The second is the more recently discovered Vertical Free-Style Michael Phelps swim stroke because it is too cold to get into the pool pose. Again I express my disappointment on your lack of awareness on these things. Thank God you have me here to help educate you on the finer points of ballet!!!
Love Ya Mau