Small Success 2010 Edition: Go, You!
A new year has dawned, lets give ourselves a pat on the back for getting even the small stuff done!
1) We're flying in the kitchen with The FlyLady this week. I cleaned and reorganized several cupboards and the school supply drawer. Miraculously, the fridge was cleaned out last week, but I'll count that success here this week :-P
2) We hit the books again on Monday after a two week break. It went exceedingly well. There wasn't a grumble or rough spot all this week. Only one bad attitude needed an adjustment, funny, I was the one that needed the adjustment. Christmas break was just too lovely to come to an end. Sigh.
3) Workouts have been pretty inconsistent around here since Thanksgiving, even so, Wingnut and I managed to get in at least three workouts a week, but now our noses are to the grindstone and we are picking up the pace. We're starting up a new cycle of P90X, but instead of the cardio workouts, I'll be running as often as the weather allows. I hit the road yesterday and ran close to three miles. I felt awesome the first mile and thought I might run five, as great as I was feelin, then the second mile hit and I had to turn and face the frigid wind. I didn't wear enough layers on my bottom half and my legs and behind froze! That second mile didn't go so well and I ran only 1/2 of it, but then I picked it up and ran all of the third mile. I did reach my goal of running three miles over Christmas break. I even ran that distance twice. Hurray for me!
What are you cheering about this week? Come leave your link at Faith and Family Live.
Have you been doing Couch to 5K this winter? I love that program!
p.s. I had to have that mood/attitude adjustment too!!!!!!!!
Thanks for hte reminder to do my "Small Successes" today. God bless, Mary @ CHeerios
I didn't know your behind could get frozen...thought you had enough natural layers...(hehehehe I couldn't resist). Got to be careful about getting too cocky when you are running "with the wind". You can't really feel the effects until you actually change directions. Keep up the running and P90...I'm proud of your hard work and dedication to your health. For those of you readers who don't know I'm her brother...I have full rights and privileges of making fun of my sister's rump!
Love ya Mau,
I hadn't heard of from Couch to 5k. I'll have to check it out.
I run alone, unless you call my iphone my running buddy :-)
Ya, laugh it up Baldy! I bet my rump is smaller than your rump by now!
Love ya Mau
I'd like to present you with an award on my benmakesten blog:
Also, when I arrived here to share it with you, I was MOST surprised and appreciative to find a link to our website in your sidebar! Just offering the address for it again because when I clicked it, it didn't work:
Homeschool Faith and Family website owner