Celebrating Advent Repost 3
Hold off on the Christmas decorations and music. During Advent we keep our decorations simple. We make our Advent Wreath the centerpiece, lighting candles during our evening Rosary. We have a small artificial tree we use for hanging up our handmade Jesse Tree ornaments. We put up our nativities, saving Baby Jesus until Christmas morning and the Wise Men for Epiphany. We hang greenery and holly outside on our door, windows, and railing, and that is it for the decorations until the days just before Christmas.
We also prefer to wait on the Christmas Carols. Advent has some beautiful hymns that are so often overlooked due to Christmas Carols. Who doesn't love O Come, O Come Emmanuel? Other hymns include: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, Let Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, On Jordan's Banks, O Come Redeemer of the Earth, and many others, all equally as beautiful as your favorite Christmas Carol.
Employing these few simple ideas truly builds the anticipation for Christmas and keeps us focused on Christmas' true meaning.