Pony Rides, Rock Walls, and Carnival Food
Every year, our parish has a Labor Day Festival, complete with food, crafts, games, hay rides, pony rides and live music. Our children look forward to it every summer and begin asking in June if we are going. Once we arrive, Wingnut and I shell out the bucks for tickets and give each one of our kids enough for food and fun and hope they will last more than half an hour. I'm not sure what our oldest two spent their tickets on, but I did hear about the fried oreos from Stat Boy and how they were the best thing he has eaten in his entire life. That kid is a coronary waiting to happen! We all had a lovely afternoon and enjoyed seeing our parish family and friends.
The pony rides are what my youngest children remember each year. It amazes me how patient they can be waiting to ride a pony.
10 minutes into the afternoon, Special K had already spent most of her tickets. I had to lone her 50 cents to ride the ponies. Thankfully she won't be in charge of our checking account anytime soon!
She almost made it to the top, but couldn't find a final foothold to ring the bell.
Labor Day has come and gone, meaning school begins today. Where did the summer go? Time feels like it is racing by faster each year. I think I'll go give my Baby Wingnut a squeeze and read him a Thomas story before he grows too old for squeezes and trains!