Small Successes:???

Danielle has been slow in posting Small Successes at Faith and Family today, but I'll keep on with the tradition anyhoo. . .
1) There is a small window of time in the morning when I feel halfway decent, so anything that desperately needs to be done must be done in that window. One day this week I was able to clean out/reorganize the indoor refrigerator. I didn't quite make it around to washing the fridge out, but I did wipe down the major spills. A little improvement is better than nothing.
2) I stayed on top of the endless piles of laundry this week. That is a feat in itself.
3) I've filled out the paper work to switch our family from military healthcare to the US Family Healthcare Plan through Johns Hopkins. I'm bound and determined to not be harassed throughout this pregnancy. I've done this enough time that I know what I want in OB care and I've heard wonderful things about the care received at the Johns Hopkins clinics.
Bonus--We prayed a family rosary every night this week. I've really had this on my heart lately and a couple revelations over this last weekend have truly convicted me to make our nightly rosary a priority.
Have any Small Successes to share? Leave your link at Faith and Family Live.