The Godfamily Came

Have you ever seen the children's book The Relatives Came? This weekend was incredibly similar to that story, except it was Skoshi A's godfamily that came. They have six kids and if you've never had 16 people living in your house for a weekend you have truly missed out on a lot of noise, and even more fun.
On Friday, Godmother, her sweet baby boy, Karate Kid, Oleander, and I headed to the IHM Homeschooling Conference in Chantilly. It was fantastic! I was able to purchase most of our materials for the upcoming school year and listened to wonderful presentations by Dr. Mary Kay Clark and Father Tom Euteneuer of HLI. Hopefully I'll get around to writing about what Fr. Euteneuer's talk was about. He is incredibly dynamic and I believe the teens his talk was geared toward left the conference with quite a bit to think and pray about.
While we were enjoying the conference, the fellas headed downtown with the remaining 8 children and visited a couple of museums. The remainder of the weekend was spent feeding 12 constantly starving children, playing outside, praying the rosary, and visiting with our dear friends. It was a whirlwind, but so enjoyable.

Wingnut and I are blessed to be the Godparents of this special guy.

I like this picture of me better, so I had to post this one, too.

Skoshi A with her incredible Godparents.
I think I need a little practice composing shots with 12 children. They were not too cooperative to begin with. I then could not get them to be serious and knock off the bunny ears. Finally, I ended up with a 13th child that decided this group looked fun.