Small Successes: I'm So Proud of You

Small Successes for June 3, 2010:
1) I'm going to my first ever homeschool conference next weekend. I know! I've been homeschooling 12 years and have never gone to a conference of any kind. My favorite suppliers will be there and I can save a ton on shipping, plus many are giving discounts to conference attendees. I have my book list for next school year all ready to go in anticipation of saving a little money. Efficient and thrifty!
2) I stayed on top of the laundry, for the most part, this week. Of course, the whole process begins again today. Our poor washer and dryer rarely get a break.
3) It's been smoking hot here the last few days. Going to the pool has not been super convenient, so we made a stop at Target yesterday to pick up a couple of water toys. One purchase was a $8 Slip n' Slide. My three youngest had a blast staying cool while slipping and sliding all over the yard. Unfortunately, $8 doesn't buy much in the way of sturdiness. After about an hour, Special K managed to put a huge hole in the bumper of the slide. The Slip 'n Slide company did not provide nearly big enough patches to cover that hole. Thankfully, our kids are pretty resourceful. They've already come up with a way they can still use the slide.
God blesss,
Mary @ Cheerios