Small Successes: June Bride Edition

Small Successes for June 10, 2010:
1. Filled out grade sheets and transcripts for my two high schooler and calculated their overall GPA, using a nifty internet resource, of course!
2. To celebrate the beginning of our summer fun, I'm taking the kiddos to the National Zoo today. We'll be meeting two of my blogging buddies(Mallu Mom and Dawn) and their children there. It should be a lovely day.
3. Wingnut and I celebrated 19 years of wedded bliss. In today's terms, that counts as a huge success, but for us, it's still a small one. We count on many, many, many more years of the same.
Leave a link to your Small Successes on Faith and Family Live.
Blessings and peace...
Beautiful and awesome!
COngrats and may God continue to richly bless your love ;)
God blesss,
Mary @ Cheerios
We love the National Zoo. I try to take my daughter at least once a year. We go early in the morning when things are quiet. Such a wonderful place.
Have a great week!