Small Successes: It's My Birthday!

Small Successes for June 24, 2010:
1) To celebrate being 42 and pregnant, I took a nap every. single. day. this week. I honestly don't remember ever being this exhausted before, but Wingnut assures me I am always like this during the first trimester. 8 weeks down, 4 to 8 more of being this tired and absolutely good for nothing.
2) I gave the master bathroom a good scrub down this week. 'Nuf said.
3) We finally made time to go to the pool this week. Lil' Wingnut loves going and asks me most every day. I was able to muster the energy to take him twice this week. With temps in the mid-90's and the very high humidity, the pool was definitely the place to be!
What are your Small Successes? Leave your link at Faith and Family Live.
Karate Kid
Thank you for giving us life!
Happy Birthday!
Wow...another year and another birthday!!! I normally appear on your blog with words of encouragement, wisdom and...ahhh who am I words are always snarky and strive to raise the entertainment level a few notches (many would question how successful I really am with that). I do want to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful older sister who always took care of me. Whether it was when we were younger and you would let me climb into bed with you when I had bad dreams, in grade school when I needed to be protected because I opened my big mouth too many times, in High School where you cheered me on when I ran cc and track, would hang out with you and your friends at club RuRed or just needed my older sister, at Whitworth when you let me hang out with you when I was bored or needed your advice and as adults when you let me enjoy knowing my neices, nephews, the one on the way and my brother-in-law. June 24th has been and always will be an awesome day in my life because you came into the world and have been an incredible protector, support, annoyance and influence in who I am and aspire to be. I love you Mau!!! Even if you are and will always be OLDER than me...sorry the little brother in me is always there!
Love Ya Birthday Mau!
Naps should be come compulsory.
All very important people doing very important jobs ie well respected Prime Ministers and Mummies growing babies do it!
I think it's awesome you are 42 and pregnant!!!!! Once again: congratulations! I love that you have such great kids - and another one on the way! Whoo-hoooo!