Thankful for the Small Stuff

Small Successes for Thursday, November 20, 2009
1) We were in the bathroom this week if you fly with the Flylady. I tackled the very scary shower this week. I missed cleaning it last month, and we really cannot miss a month without a good chemical clean! It truly was frightening, and I'd been putting it off, telling myself, "I'll get to it when bathroom week finally arrives." Thank heaven for Tilex!
2) I did a great job staying on top of the laundry this week. I know I post this success frequently, but it has been a goal for me this school year to not let the laundry become so overwhelming. Everything has been washed, dried, folded, and put away. Hooray for me!
3) I am nearly done with the Christmas shopping. I will be completely finished before Advent. This was an important goal for me this year. If you followed my blog last year you know I had a series of posts on observing Advent to the fullest before celebrating Christmas. We really try to avoid the Christmas shopping frenzy during Advent as we truly believe it detracts from our spiritual preparation.
What are your successes this week? Post your link over at Faith & Family Live.