Way to Go Mom!

After three weeks of vacation from Small Successes, I am back with a vengeance. Join the fun and post your successes for the week at Faith & Family Live.
1) Its bathroom week if you fly with the FlyLady. I spent all week in the master bath deep cleaning and clearing out the closet and cupboards. When Wingnut returned from his trip to Moscow, Rome, and Ghana he remarked how the bathroom had that "just cleaned" scent. I think he likes that.
2) I finished the reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek" to my little girls. We are working our way through the entire "Little House" series and I am so glad we are continuing to make progress. I hope they are enjoying the read aloud as much as I am.
3) The children and I finally made it to the pool. I know, summer is half gone and we've made our first trip, but weather and vacations happen :-) Lil' Wingnut is an absolute nut in the pool. He was practically swimming at the end of the day. He has no trouble at all putting his entire head under the water and I finally had to drag him away as he was really getting a little too comfortable in the water. Have I mentioned he has just recently turned 3? I think we'll be looking into some winter swimming lessons for him.
Good for you!
That's funny I am reading the book "On the Creeks of Plum Bank" from the Little Horseradish series to the neighbor's dog...Zoe seems disinterested. With as much time you took off I can't imagine the ammount of cleaners and disinfectants you went through to get your bathroom smelling like it had just been cleaned. I can't imagine Chris squatting next to the toilet with a brush in one hand and a can of scrubbing bubbles in the other while you were in Spokane. Little Wingy is a fish. At Splashdown we went down one of the bigger slides and I slipped at the bottom and we both went under. When we came up for air he was holding me and I was crying like a 3 year old. Crazy huh?
Love ya Mau
Your Bro