Blogging about Other People's Blogs

I came across a trio of blogs through a friend on Facebook. All three are written by the same disturbed soul, Ry Guy, and they make me laugh out loud.

The first is a blog exclusively devoted to a guy we actually know from our three years in Okinawa. Dominic Makes Me Angry is filled with short little quips about Dominic and his many foibles (all imagined, of course).

Duck With a Gun is exactly that, a blog with cartoons, composed and drawn by the author, frequently featuring ducks and/or guns.

Lastly, Steak Rules, is a more varied blog in which the author addresses current events, writes hysterical movie reviews, and offers his own brand of twisted wisdom.

If you get a chance, take a peek and I dare you not to find something utterly amusing about any one of the three. I think the older I get, the more warped my sense of humor becomes. Let me know if you think I am completely off my rocker.


Dawn said…
I just checked out Dominic makes me angry..the whole premise for the blog is hilarious and the posts are just crazy! I am still laughing. I had to stop looking or I'd never get back here to comment. And I haven't even checked out the other two..Thanks! I love the "no" sign over Dominic's pic. Hilarious.
Walter said…
I love the T-shirt... "Fat Girls Need Lovin too"

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