The Coolest Train Set Ever!
Grandma L. has a brother with the coolest train set I've ever seen. He has set it up in his back yard and is still adding on to it over time. He built the scaffolding, bridges, and all the buildings by hand, placed each stone, and planted each tree. The set up is quite remarkable, and Lil' Wingnut was very impressed.

Lil' Wingnut was especially fascinated with the "train wreck" at the base of one of the bridges. He insisted on showing each of us the wreck and then would recite his version of what might have happened to that poor little engine.
Great pictures glad you enjoyed the garden railroad. Saw my cousin Mickey at the roost yesterday. He did not make it to the Thursday service. It is a long drive from Crosby North Dakota. He and Carolyn are doing good. They have their first grand son coming in a day or two so they are high tailing it back home today.
I loved that train and loved watching Little Wingy more as he watched that train make its way around the track...GOOD TIMES!!!
Love Ya Mau,
Your Bro