Small Successes: Vacation Recovery

Small Successes for July 8, 2010:
1) I've spent the week recovering from our week long vacation to Florida. We are unpacked, the fridge is restocked, and I am nearly caught up with the laundry.
2) It was over 100 degrees yesterday, so I took the youngest four to the pool to stay cool. We had a wonderful time together. I loved Lil' Wingnut's new game--Orca. He's such a hoot!
3) I've entered the 11th week in this pregnancy and everything seems to be going well. I think I've discovered the secret to staving off the nausea--Vitamin B6. I've found if I take my pre-natal vitamins at night, just before bed, it really helps and I do not experience nearly as much nausea the next day. I've also found I'm not nearly as tired and can get away without an afternoon nap, if I consistently take my vitamins. I have new healthcare insurance cards in hand, so I'll be calling our new provider up today and scheduling my first appointment.
What are your Small Successes this week? Share your link at Faith and Family Live.