Small Successes: Sweating the Small Stuff

Small Successes for March 4, 2010:
1) My mileage has increased slowly and I'm finally nearing the distance I was running before Snow-a-palooza. This weekend's weather and schedule are looking really promising and I'm hoping to get in at least one 4 mile run by the end of the week.
2) The laundry baskets have all been emptied at least one time in the last week. We've kept up with folding and putting finished laundry away, as well. I even iron/steamed some of Lil' Wingnut's dress clothes and a couple of my blouses and I ironed a cute patch on Skoshi A's jeans covering a hole in the knee.
3) I've been pretty consistently planning menus and grocery lists, resulting in incredibly few nights of eating out for the family. We haven't so much as hit a Chick-fil-a in several weeks (although individual kids have been treated after their dental appoints the last couple weeks). Last night, I worked my heart out on a special Indian dish, Chicken Biryani. This dish requires quite a bit of prep, tons of ingredients, and several steps to complete successfully. I thought everything was going wonderfully, until I dished up dinner and realized the bottom of the dish was burnt. The entire entree had that off and burnt kind of taste and much of the rice was still crunchy. I really wanted to toss the whole thing and order take out, but I resisted. We ate the ruined meal. Wingnut doused his with Tabasco and even went back for seconds. I swear the man has no taste buds.
Proud of any Small Successes this week? Post yours at Faith and Family Live.
I appreciate you sharing the great aspects of your life! Thank you for making my week better!