Stand Up and Cheer

Its Thursday, and we all know what that means: Small Successes at Faith and Family Live. Go check it out and leave a list of your own accomplishments.
I really got a ton done this week. We are having a fairly big party to celebrate our eldest son's confirmation tonight and so I've been flying about doing everything that needs to be done. I could list a dozen accomplishments this week, but that is not how I normally roll around here and getting the house clean top to bottom doesn't seem to be in the spirit of "small" successes so I have racked my brain and come up with the three accomplishments I am most proud of for this week.
1. Special K has been having a rough patch and I've been butting heads with her pretty frequently. I decided she might just need a little special alone time with Mom. I took her out one afternoon this week and we got her ears pierced, went clothes shopping, stopped at Dairy Queen for a sundae, and picked up a bottle of sweet smelling lotion at Bath and Body Works. She was beaming from ear to ear all day long. When she's cute, she's really, really cute.
2. I've really scaled back the amount of time I spent on the internet this week. That may be due the extra chores or the fact that the weather has been so nice, but I am trying to spend less time here and more time with my family.
3. I was able to get out for several walks this past week. I'm still trying to work in a more consistent workout. Hopefully that will come as the school year draws to a close and I'm not always running a taxi service.
Stat Boy is being Confirmed tonight. If you stop by here today, we'd really appreciate if you'd say a little prayer for him. We are so proud of him and can not wait to watch him continue to grow and mature in his Faith!
My eldest will celebrate Confirmation on the 29th of May.
They are growin' up!!
We will see you tonight!
Prayers for your son's Confirmation! My oldest will be making his First Communion in just over a week.
Glad you got out and exercised! Get a little extra in for me please. :-)
Wonderful news that he is being confirmed. We will pray for him!
Love the Grand Max Paw
Love ya!!
Your Bro