Holy Thursday

Jesus Washing Peter's Feet by Ford Madox Brown

As a convert, the Triduum(three special services beginning on Holy Thursday and continuing through Good Friday and culminating with the Saturday Easter Vigil) has special significance to me and I love being able to participate in the entire three day services. Today, what makes my heart especially glad, was overhearing my children excitedly discussing their favorite parts of the Triduum. In our parish, Holy Thursday is celebrated so beautifully. New altar boys will be vested by our pastor for the first time. Twelve cross bearers will represent the twelve apostles and have their feet washed. At the end of the service the entire congregation processes out with the Blessed Sacrament in a loving and unique tradition in our parish. The Blessed Sacrament is carried up the steps to our historic chapel for adoration until midnight. The chapel will be filled with Easter Lilies, candlelight and adorers. The scent of those newly blooming Easter Lilies is one of the sweetest in my memory. Have a Blessed evening!


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