{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} May 22

round button chicken


This is a female Bullocks Oriole that flew into one of our windows and was stunned just long enough for me to snap a couple shots before she recovered and flew away.  We have some really interesting birds in our area and I'm hoping to start learning to identify them.


Learning to identify our local feathered friends will be helped greatly with the hanging of the bird feeder.


This old burnt out fence post reminds my boys of a monster with a gaping mouth.  On our walks they always have their eyes out for it.


We also hung our hummingbird feeder, a thoughtful gift from the Godfamily.  We've had nearly a dozen visitors already, but in order to snap any photos,  I've had to stay pretty far away, so photos are not all that exciting just yet.  Maybe I'll set up my camera on my tripod and sit very, very still for a good length of time and finally get a good clear shot.


Anonymous said…
Yep! A tripod and being very still will get you an amazing photo. I feel like digging up a shot I got a long time ago of a hummingbird. It also doesn't hurt to wear red while there. =)

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