Is it too Much to Ask?
Is it too much to ask for cooperation with photos for the annual Christmas card? Apparently it is. Although this year's offering isn't nearly the fail of three years ago (see here). I had one teenager absolutely refuse to be in any photos taken by me, another child unhappy he/she had to be in photos with siblings, and two more express that the Christmas photo shoot was always so stressful. Wow, really? Could the stress possibly be attributed to the complete lack of cooperation? Ugh. So it isn't what I had hoped, but this is what we put together for our Christmas card this year. A couple were from our my planned Christmas card photo shoot while at the Japanese Gardens in Spokane. One is of number one son playing basketball (obviously he refused to cooperate at all), and the final photo was taken in Oklahoma City just before a wedding. It's not completely horrible, but it isn't at all what I had envisioned. Sigh.
On a side note, how is JP doing not living with y'all?