Dilemma of a Sort
Lil' Lamb will be two in just a few short weeks and he is still nursing and showing no signs of weaning anytime soon on his own. I'm all for extended nursing, but nursing toddlers are the pits. He's not cute and sweet about it at all. He's demanding, squirmy, and insists on having his hands and/or feet all over me. If I deny him, he throws a rip roaring tantrum. Plus, he still doesn't eat much "real" food and so still needs to nurse frequently at night. I'm exhausted.
Sounds easy, right? I should just force a wean. Here is my dilemma. Nursing is the only way I can get him to take a nap. I'm definitely not ready for him to give up naps and none of us are ready for Lil' Lamb 10 to 12 hours straight! An even bigger drawback to weaning is I'll have to drop my daily calorie intake 350 calories. 350 calories is a lot! That's a large glass of wine or a couple beers at night. It's the occasional decadent dessert. My life is so hard (she says with the hint of a smile).
Sounds easy, right? I should just force a wean. Here is my dilemma. Nursing is the only way I can get him to take a nap. I'm definitely not ready for him to give up naps and none of us are ready for Lil' Lamb 10 to 12 hours straight! An even bigger drawback to weaning is I'll have to drop my daily calorie intake 350 calories. 350 calories is a lot! That's a large glass of wine or a couple beers at night. It's the occasional decadent dessert. My life is so hard (she says with the hint of a smile).