Small Successes: Making Forward Progress

Small Successes for August 12, 2010:
1) The school cupboard and shelves have been cleared out of the old and restocked with the new. All our reusable texts and materials have been carefully organized and put into the proper bins. All our new school supplies have been purchased and put in their proper places, ready for the new year. I decided to purchase everything early this year so as not to miss the before school sales. We bought 5 (we were limited to 5) packs of lined paper for 1 cent each! Notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. were also purchased for great prices, plus I was able to get Karate Kid's TI-83 calculator for her college calculus and analytical geometry class in time to take advantage of the rebate.
2) I had a referral appointment this week (did not know beforehand that was what it was) and I did not hesitate to call and make my first real OB appointment when I returned home. I still have to wait two more weeks, but at least we are making progress in the obtaining medical care. I chose a birthing center that looks absolutely lovely. I sure hope I get to deliver at their lovely home in their beautiful and homey birthing rooms rather than at the hospital. We shall see if they balk at my AMA (advanced maternal age).
3) Wingnut was traveling this week and has been on a longer than normal trip. Of course we had some kind of crisis while he was away and I did my best to handle it in his absence. He was there calling and texting frequently making sure I was doing ok. I am so grateful for his long distance support, but I can't wait for him to get home. I know there's a success in there somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. I'm thanking God I am not a single parent. I really have no idea how I would survive without Wingnut by my side!
Have Small Successes to share? Leave your link at Faith and Family Live.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck!
Yay for beautiful birthing centers! :)
Great successes this week!
Congratulations once more on your newest little miracle. AMA! Pish Posh! God is good all the time!
Have a fabulous week!