If You Thought Obamacare was About Insuring the Uninsurable

. . . think again! This information is directly from the HealthCare.gov website on PCIP (or pre-existing condition insurance plan) a key aspect of Obamacare. Pay particular attention to the question about whether this coverage will have a cost associated. Let's say you are over 55 and live in the state of Florida and you qualify for the new PCIP. Your premiums will be $773 per month, and that does not include the $2500 yearly deductible, the $25 copay for doctor visits, the $4-$30 prescriptions, and the 20% cost of all other covered benefits. Of course, you will not have to pay more than $5950 out of pocket in a year's time, other than those $773 premiums. Oh, and don't forget, at some point if you decide you will not or cannot pay for the new government insurance plan, you will be paying a fine. Is this looking good to anyone?

What is a pre-existing condition?
A pre-existing condition is a condition, disability or illness (either physical or mental) that you have before you enrolled in a health plan.
Will the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) be available in every state?
Yes, every state will have a plan that offers comprehensive health coverage for uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions. The program name, start date, and other plan details may vary depending on which state you live in and whether the program is run by the state or the Department of Health and Human Services. Check out the State Plans page to learn more about how the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan works in your state.
When will my coverage be effective?
If you live in a state where the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is running the program, you can apply and enroll starting July 1, 2010. Generally, a completed application received on or before the 15th of the month will go into effect on the first day of the next month. A completed application received after the 15th of the month will go into effect on the first day of the following month.

In all other states, coverage should be available by the end of the summer but the exact start date will vary by state. Check out the State Plans page to learn more about when the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan begins in your state.
May I apply for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan if I have existing health coverage?
You are not eligible unless you have been without health coverage for at least the last six months. This includes High Risk Pool Coverage and insurance coverage that may only exclude coverage for a pre-existing medical condition. For example, if you have Medicare or TRICARE, you shouldn’t apply. If you are uninsured and have been told that you may be eligible for other coverage programs like Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, you should check out those programs first, as they may better meet your needs. If you have job-based coverage, or individual insurance coverage, you aren’t eligible to apply.
May I apply for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan if I have COBRA or other continuation of coverage?
No, even if your COBRA or other continuation of coverage is about to run out, you won’t be eligible until you have been uninsured for at least the last six months, and meet other eligibility criteria.
What health care providers are in the network?
The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan will have provider networks that include a full range of services and specialists.
Is there a cost for this coverage?
If accepted for coverage, you must pay a monthly premium to maintain that coverage. To see the premium rates for your state, go to State Plans.
What do I do if I can’t afford these premiums?
If you have limited income and resources, you may be eligible for the Medicaid program in your state. If you are seeking insurance coverage for your child, go to www.insurekidsnow.gov to learn more about children’s health insurance in your state.

Want to know more? Check out PCIP here.


Walt said…
Hey Mau,

WOW...Obamascare is worse than Canadianscare! A socialistic state wouldn't even come close to touching this healthcare plan. A person in Florida over 55 years old would be better off swimming with the sharks after bathing in baby seal blood. It is actually a capitalistic plan...the government will be making bank off of 55 and over people with pre-existing conditions. That is one way to pay off our national debt in less than 10 years. You also can't have coverage until you haven't had coverage for 6 months...what in the heck is that about? That is po@#y coverage. I just hope no one gets sick or can't afford it because they will be more poor than they already are!!! Communism at its best!

Love ya Mau


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