Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from Christ's side, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
and with Thy angels
Forever and ever
Yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life as a mother. Special K could not have been better prepared nor more disposed to receive Christ for the very first time. A year ago, I could not imagine how we were going to get her to this day, let alone have a party to celebrate with her. How much she has changed in just one year. I am sure much of it is due to discovering her sensitivities to chemicals in food, but a larger part has to do with the Grace she has received from her own prayers and preparations, and from the sacrament of reconciliation. She took her First Holy Communion very seriously. She begged to go to confession as close to her special day as possible and learned her catechism like her life depended upon it.
It was a doubly proud day for us, as our oldest son served as acolyte on the High Mass team for his sister's First Holy Communion. Last evening he related to us, what we could not see from our vantage point in the church. He described his sister's beaming face and a smile so broad that it could not be ignored. Another altar boy asked our son if he had noticed the little girl with the huge grin during the Mass. Our son confessed she was his sister, to which his team mate replied, "That's Ok. My sister is in 8th grade and was confirmed on Thursday night. She had that same smile on her face."
How pleased God must be in the beautiful and innocent faith of children.
Special K with her best friend, Mystical Rose. We are so thankful for Rose's friendship. She could not have been more excited for her friend to finally receive the Eucharist.

Msgr. Parry baptized Special K eight years ago. Not only is he a wonderful priest, he has a special place in his heart for children, and is very involved in their faith formation in our parish.
To my little Kitty Kat...congratulations on completing the necessary elements and receiving your first communion. What an incredibly special day and to blend that in the same weekend as your 8th birthday is sweet! I wish I was there to see the wonderful your face!!!
Love ya Kitty Kat
Now you can exhale, right?
I teared up as I read about what Sat Boy said. You have a beautiful family.