Budding Artist

Katerina has become quite the artist.  Up until last May, she hadn't really expressed any interest in drawing of any kind and then all of a sudden it is what she spends endless hours at every day. As she practiced, her ability became quite apparent.  She has a preference for Manga type drawing right now, but I'm hoping her horizons continue to broaden as her proficiency does.  Her walls are covered with her creations and she has folders and countless stacks covering most every surface of her room, not to mention the pens, pencils, sharpies, and markers in piles on her floor.  I've scanned in two of her pieces: one from May of 2015 around the time she first became interested and the second from just this month.  The improvement is marked, for certain.  I can't wait to see how she continues to progress.

(K's first anime picture she ever drew)

(This was drawn just yesterday)


Chere Mama said…
She's really really good, Maurisa!! My anime lovin son thinks these are very cool. I love your description of her room. I can see it really clearly in my imagination!!

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