{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} October 23

round button chicken


I drove as far up Ogden Mountain as the road would allow me one evening just before sunset.  The sky was spectacular.  This is a view of Ogden and beyond.

More of the dramatic sky and down into the Salt Lake Basin.


We have had a particularly lovely fall this year and the boys have been taking advantage of the wonderful weather and are spending as much time outside as possible. (If I'm being honest, I must confess some of the outdoor time is forced on my part.  They've decided they'd much rather enjoy the fresh air than take a nap.)


Uh. . . I'm not sure how to explain this other than this is our 12 year old.


The leaves are beginning to fall and we've passed peak fall color.  One more good wind storm and the trees will be bare.  Winter is fast approaching.


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