Homeschool Plan 2014/2015
Believe it or not, we are already two weeks into our school year. We have a big trip planned during this fall and so we needed to get a jump on math and science. Once again, I am providing a list of what will be doing in our homeschool this year, as well as links for easy reference. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us and our new school year!
Wingnut Jr. 3rd/4th grade:
Wingnut Jr. 3rd/4th grade:
Language-- The Well-Trained Mind Level 3 (Peace Hill Press)
Spelling Power (Christian Book)
Getty Dubay C (Christian Book)
History-- American History Civil War to Present (my own curriculum)*
Our American Heritage Map Study Skills (Christian Book)
Science-- The Animal World (my own curriculum)**
Music-- Piano lessons
Special K 7th grade:
Math-- Saxon 8/7 (Christian Book)
Spelling Power (Christian Book)
Getty Dubay--44 United States Presidents (Christian Book)
Vocabulary from Classical Roots A (Christian Book)
The Creative Writer, Level 1 (Peace Hill Press)
History-- American History Civil War to Present (my own curriculum)
Milliken Map Skills United States (Christian Book)
Science-- Concepts and Challenges 3 (Emmanuel Books, although I don't believe it is available any longer)
Art-- Artistic Pursuits Jr. High 2
Music-- Piano lessons
Religion-- Virtues in Practice Year of Hope
The Apostolate's Family Catechism
Latin-- Prima Latina
Skoshi A 10th grade:
Math-- Saxon Geometry (Christian Book)
Language-- Lightening Lit Shakespeare Tragedies and Comedies and Sonnets (Hewitt Homeschooling)
Writing with Skill Level 2 (Peace Hill Press)
Adventures in Editing part II (Peace Hill Press)
Vocabulary from Classical Roots D (Christian Book)
History-- MODG Ancient History and Literature (Emmanuel Books)
Penguin Historical Atlas Ancient Greece and Rome (Christian Book)
Science-- Prentice Hall Biology (Kolbe Academy) ***
Art-- Artistic Pursuits High School 2 (Artistic Pursuits)
Foreign Lang-- Italian II (Rosetta Stone)
The Apostolate's Family Catechism
* For American History we will be reading several historical fiction novels, biographies, using the appropriate History of US titles by Joy Hakim, using appropriate titles from Learning through History magazine as well as coupling our US history studies with grade level map skill resources.
*** For high school biology, I will rely heavily on the Kolbe Academy syllabus, while also accessing appropriate content from Khan Academy online. We have also joined up with several other homeschool families and will be offering labs and experiments in our home once a week. Most of our lab materials will come from Home Science Tools.