New Catholic Homeschooling Group
We've recently joined a new Catholic homeschooling group in Utah. In general we only meet on First Fridays, although we have had a couple special gatherings for other celebrations. After years of trying, I think we are finally going to make 9 First Fridays in a row! We only have two more to go, and as long as we are all healthy, it should be accomplished. Hooray!
This last First Friday we met for breakfast in the Neumann Center on the campus of the University of Utah. After a potluck breakfast, we had a guest speaker who has a special apostolate teaching children how to make rosaries and running a rosary club. She taught us all how to make a pro-life rosary, for which each of the colors of beads has a special meaning. We then donated our completed rosaries to the 40 Days for Life ministry.
After making rosaries we had mass in the Neumann Center's chapel, celebrated by a young and awesome Dominican father. Several families then went on to pray outside a Planned Parenthood clinic close to campus that performs abortions. Our family did not make it to this part of the day, Lil' Lamb had had enough for the day, but we were encouraged to hear that since the inception of the 40 Days for Life campaigns, one clinic in Salt Lake City has closed and another has had to greatly reduce it's hours of operation. Hooray!

This last First Friday we met for breakfast in the Neumann Center on the campus of the University of Utah. After a potluck breakfast, we had a guest speaker who has a special apostolate teaching children how to make rosaries and running a rosary club. She taught us all how to make a pro-life rosary, for which each of the colors of beads has a special meaning. We then donated our completed rosaries to the 40 Days for Life ministry.
After making rosaries we had mass in the Neumann Center's chapel, celebrated by a young and awesome Dominican father. Several families then went on to pray outside a Planned Parenthood clinic close to campus that performs abortions. Our family did not make it to this part of the day, Lil' Lamb had had enough for the day, but we were encouraged to hear that since the inception of the 40 Days for Life campaigns, one clinic in Salt Lake City has closed and another has had to greatly reduce it's hours of operation. Hooray!

Wingnut Jr. did a great job stringing the beads in the correct pattern.
Our Lady holding the children's offerings.
Any information would be very appreciated.
If you fill out your contact info someone should contact you regarding our activities. We are a pretty spread out group so attendance is pretty sporadic. We have a smaller, more informal group from our home parish Saint James the Just in Ogden. If you move fairly close to Ogden, feel free to message me here and I can give you more specific info about our group.
Pax back at you! :)