{Pretty, Funny, Happy, Real} September 12

round button chicken


We have such dramatic skies here in Utah, that make it a real joy working with different camera settings, like these lovely silhouettes.

Special K is always a willing model.  This was my favorite silhouette of the evening.


The children are really enjoying harvesting different things from the garden this year.  We have a ton of carrots right now that I really need to dig up and store.


Lil' Lamb is not a very willing model most of the time, but his never stop movement is great practice in using proper camera settings to capture him without a bunch of blur, with enough light, and within frame.

He found it hysterical to roll away from me as I tried to adjust and shoot, and adjust and shoot some more.

He did finally allow me to get one really cute shot of him before he rolled away again.

{Real} Smart

Lil' Lamb was playing a little Wiffle ball with Wingnut.  He figured out he could pick up several balls at once by putting his fingers into the holes.

He also found he could throw several balls at once. . . 

. . . thus confounding the batter.  He's a smart one.


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