{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} 8/18

This time of year the Buddleia Bush is covered in butterflies. I loved the angle of this shot.

Special K designed this little cross stick all by herself and spent an afternoon happily stitching away. I'm pretty impressed with her creativity!

This is my teenage son and his hilarious play on planking. He calls this "deering". I laughed until I cried when I saw this.

This is our sweet Lil' Lamb receiving one of the many nebulized breathing treatments he's needed this past week. Most of the time he was pretty docile and calm. There were a few occasions when he'd just about had it and would have none of the smoking mask. I would then enlist the help of his sisters in entertaining him by singing and dancing so that we could finish treating his wheezing. Poor baby, he was a real trooper this week. God Willing, we'll never have to go through the same ordeal again!