Small Successes: Count it All Success

I haven't participated in Small Successes for a couple of weeks for a number of reasons, first of which is I've had other things to blog about. Not that I don't have other blog posts rolling around in my head today, I just don't have the time to write and edit anything other than a quick Small Successes post.

Small Successes for September 23, 2010:

1) We have nearly completed three weeks of school and it is going very well for the most part. In fact, I think it is the best start to the school year we have ever had. Most everyone is independent, which means I have time to focus on Lil' Wingnut, who has begun kindergarten/1st grade work this year. He is so proud of himself. He's more than able to handle the material, but his attention span is not quite there. Rewarding him with computer time for focusing on his school works wonders.

2) I'm managing meals, especially dinner, much better this year. I have a set grocery shopping day and I'm doing really well with writing a menu and adhering to it. I can already see we are saving money by doing this as I'm not running to the grocery store every day to pick up missing ingredients for dinner.

3) One of my favorite daily prayers is the Angelus. I love the old artwork of peasant farmers stopping their work to bow their heads in prayer, and I've always wanted to join in that offering, at least during the noon hour each day. A wonderful friend sent a reminder to pray the Angelus each day and we've decided to do so. I have my iPhone and all the computers set with an Angelus alarm at 5 minutes to 12 so that we can stop our activities and gather together to lift our hearts, minds, and souls to heaven. We have remembered to pray every day for the last three weeks. It has become so beautifully engrained in Lil' Wingnut, that if the alarm goes off when we are out, he declares, "It's time to pray the Angelus!" We end up praying the Angelus wherever we are.

Have Small Successes to share? Add your link at Faith and Family Live!


Katie said…
I love the Angelus too
momto5minnies said…
I'm so glad you are having a good start to your school year. I'm hoping for some improvements on my end ;)

I've also got to get better with menu planning. It isn't terrible, but I have noticed the one to many runs back to the grocery store for more stuff.

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