And the Winner is. . .
To answer a couple of the questions that were posted in the comments: I never did find a recipe that called for vinegar in pie dough, so I was not able to find why one would want vinegar in pie dough. I did find a "fool-proof" recipe from the folks at Cook's Illustrated that called for vodka in the pie dough. Their final version of the recipe called for equal parts water and vodka (two tablespoons of each) and they did note you would need more flour while rolling out your crust. Happy cooking!
Congrats to Michelle from Rosetta Stone! I was sitting on the edge of my seat when I was waiting for my computer to load your blog only to see in LW's chubby little fingers...NOT MY NAME. The disapointment set in quickly as I thought about how I could have done things differently to put myself in a better position to win that copy of Cook's Country. Maybe I should have typed my recipe selection in quicker, turned in a different recipe or even offered up a better bribe. It's hard to tell where everything fell apart in my game on this drawing. All I know is I have to regroup, intensify my training and work hard at preparing myself (both mentally and physically)better to come up a winner next time. All I can say is...for the next drawing I will bring my A-game to the table!
Thanks and Love Ya Mau!
Your Bro
PS - A shout out to all of my peeps in the Mayerle household! Tell them their Aunt, Uncle and three cousins miss them a ton!