Small Successes Thursday

Join the Faith and Family blog and give yourself a pat on the back for your "Small Successes."
1. I did get my older girls' room painted this week and I did a very nice job if I say so myself. Their room is coming together quite nicely and I should have it finished by the end of next week when their new mattresses are delivered. We do have one little glitch. The blinds I ordered will not ship until April, so the girls will have to continue using the blue ones that do not match the color scheme of their room.
2. I managed to go through several boxes and bags of clothing the children have outgrown. I have about 8 huge bags of clothes to give to charity and one very large bag of the very nicest clothes to give to Baby Wingnut's god parents. I'm keeping my maternity clothes and the very smallest baby clothes, because you just never know what God has planned for you, do you?
3. I made it through all of Ash Wednesday without a single cup of coffee. That was really, really hard! I am not giving coffee up for the rest of Lent, but I do offer it up as a sacrifice on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. One of Wingnut's co-workers said his mother would never give up coffee for Lent, saying, "Lent is for sacrificing, not for suffering."